invitation [invitations]

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Come and tell a story
parents meeting
Meeting with the headteacher
meeting with the headteacher
you have an appointment at
You would like an appointment
Can you come at.
parents’ chat group
end of the year party
school party
It’s compulsory
meeting with the school principal
meeting with the school principal
meeting with the teachers
issuance of school report card
Can you come?
You are invited
activities [activites]administration [administratif]behaviour [Comportement]clothes [vetements]colours [couleurs]early childhood [Petite enfance]emotion [emotions]en domainefamily [famille]French [francais]geography [geographie]health [sante]invitation [invitations]items [materiel]language [langues]learning environment [apprentissages]lower secondary school [Collège]mathematics [mathematiques]meals [repas]nursery [Maternelle]premises [locaux]primary school [Élémentaire]registration [inscriptions]schedule [horaires]school trips [sortiesscolaires]schooling [Scolarité]subjects [matieres]Theme ENwho [qui]