meals [repas]
Show imagesno canteen breakfast lunch snack dinner drink eat dessert meals allergies Children need to eat in the morning meat fish vegetables dairy products fruit bread fruit mash nursing bottle half board nursing bring a nursing bottle picnic mash chopped meal pureed meal porkless meatless yoghurt water cheese
activities [activites]administration [administratif]behaviour [Comportement]clothes [vetements]colours [couleurs]early childhood [Petite enfance]emotion [emotions]en domainefamily [famille]French [francais]geography [geographie]health [sante]invitation [invitations]items [materiel]language [langues]learning environment [apprentissages]lower secondary school [Collège]mathematics [mathematiques]meals [repas]nursery [Maternelle]premises [locaux]primary school [Élémentaire]registration [inscriptions]schedule [horaires]school trips [sortiesscolaires]schooling [Scolarité]subjects [matieres]Theme ENwho [qui]