items [materiel]
Show imagestelevision items cuddly toy bag cuddly toy dummy computer bag mobile phone paintbrush dictionnary Your child needs You need to get folder scissors schoolbag binder pencil case slate draft calculator glue set square sheet felt pen rubber bottle brush divider textbook paper ruler pencil sharpener notebook pen pencil agenda compass protractor Pushchair (UK) / Stroller (US) potty tissues Pocket folder with plastic sleeves USB stick/Thumb drive
activities [activites]administration [administratif]behaviour [Comportement]clothes [vetements]colours [couleurs]early childhood [Petite enfance]emotion [emotions]en domainefamily [famille]French [francais]geography [geographie]health [sante]invitation [invitations]items [materiel]language [langues]learning environment [apprentissages]lower secondary school [Collège]mathematics [mathematiques]meals [repas]nursery [Maternelle]premises [locaux]primary school [Élémentaire]registration [inscriptions]schedule [horaires]school trips [sortiesscolaires]schooling [Scolarité]subjects [matieres]Theme ENwho [qui]