health [sante]
Show imagesspeech therapist doctor ears teeth firemen cream plaster disinfect bump accident psychologist emergency prescription medicine glasses blood illness sick stomach ache headache pain eyes cut asthma lice confinement contagious contagious coronavirus fever injury vaccines medical appointment You need to see the doctor treat to be sick cotton medical certificate nappy change cream throat tired Did the child sleep well ? Does the child have a temperature ? Is the child sick ? paracetamol symptoms temperature vaccination health records health menstruation speech therapist aide vaccination records sleep Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) screen time ADHD Nurse’s office Disability
activities [activites]administration [administratif]behaviour [Comportement]clothes [vetements]colours [couleurs]early childhood [Petite enfance]emotion [emotions]en domainefamily [famille]French [francais]geography [geographie]health [sante]invitation [invitations]items [materiel]language [langues]learning environment [apprentissages]lower secondary school [Collège]mathematics [mathematiques]meals [repas]nursery [Maternelle]premises [locaux]primary school [Élémentaire]registration [inscriptions]schedule [horaires]school trips [sortiesscolaires]schooling [Scolarité]subjects [matieres]Theme ENwho [qui]